The unano project
At unano we are carrying out innovative basic and translational research aimed at building sophisticated, functional biological nano-structures and nanomachines using biological molecules. The novel structures we build will have applications to health and medicine. In this first stage we are building the foundations of our project in preparation to secure large-scale grant funding.
The unano project is formally the Smart Materials And Robotic nanoTechnologies (SMART) project funded by una europa Seed Funding, part of una europa.

We are a consortium of reach labs from The University of Bologna, Italy; The University of Edinburgh, UK; The Free University of Berlin, Germany; The Complutense University of Madrid, Spain; The University of Helsinki, Finland; Jagiellonian University, Poland; KU Leuven, Belgium; Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands; Aalto University, Finland; National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia. The team has wide expertise to support our goals of building future biological nanomachines. These include in silico modeling, therapeutic cargo development, DNA nanotechnology, protein design ,production and in cell/in vivo testing.
Latest News
Bionano 2024: A Hub for Cutting-Edge Research and Collaboration
Durham University played host to Bionano 2024 on 12 and 13 September, a significant event in the field of nanoscale biological research. The conference commenced with a warm welcome from Jonathan Heddle, followed by a keynote hybrid session delivered by Friedrich Simmel from the TUM School of Natural Sciences in Germany.
A potent plant toxin with a unique way of killing harmful bacteria has emerged as one of the strongest new antibiotic candidates in decades.
The antibiotic, called albicidin, is produced by the bacterial plant pathogen Xanthomonas albilineans, which causes the devastating leaf scald disease in sugar…
Professor Heddle awarded Leverhulme International Professorships
We are delighted to welcome Durham University as an associated member of the Unano project, which will become a full member when Professor Heddle’s lab moves there in September 2023.
Congratulations to Professor Heddle who was awarded the prestigious 2022 Leverhulme…
People are always at the heart of any project. It is no different with the Unano project.
We would like to introduce you to the Unano team behind this challenging but also exciting project run under the aegis of Una Europa. Stay tuned!